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What’s next for #EndSARS? Letter To All Peaceful Protesters

Dear Comrades,

Over the last couple of weeks we’ve tasted what it feels like to be united, regardless of tribe or belief. We’ve enjoyed a brief moment of what true governance with proper accountability and transparency represents.

The Feminist Coalition revealed to us that running a successful Government in Nigeria isn’t rocket science, and that even with minimal funds, we can still achieve a lot.

We’ve understood better what our roles as individual leaders entails. We proclaimed it daily during the #EndSARS protest through our words and actions; we fought together against police brutality and extrajudicial killings, and we’re still fighting.

In two weeks, we’ve seen the impact that our collective voice can make. We internalized the saying: “change begins with me” and we lived it out during this protest.

In two weeks, we achieved more together than anyone of us could have achieved individually. We cared for the poor, fed the hungry, lived with the homeless on the streets. We provided healthcare for those in need and gave second chances to those who thought life was over.

Read also: EndSARS Protest: The Little Events Leading To A Powerful Change

In two weeks, we mended broken hearts, united parents with their children, and created an atmosphere of closure to those whom our society has unjustly denied them of their loved ones. We cleansed our land of the tears and blood of innocent Nigerians and committed their souls to God.

We repay hatred with love, conflict with peace, tribalism with unity, fanatic religiosity with patriotism. We were liberated from the shackles of fear.

In two weeks, we were reminded of how fleeting time can be and how to make the most of the time we have with those we love. We experimented, we failed and above all, we learnt from our mistakes.

During this #EndSARS protest some paid with their sweat, some with their time, some with their blood, and some with their LIVES.

However, we’ll continue on this path, it’ll be betrayal to do otherwise. We shall continue to demand accountability from our leaders and put them in the spotlight, we’ll scold and rebuke them whenever they go wrong.

We’ll demand justice for our fallen heroes, honour their names and tell the tales of their bravery for generations to come. We’ll imprint these moments in history and hand it over to those after us just as the history of our Independence were handed over to us.

We’ll teach in schools around the country and beyond our shores the history of the Lekki Toll Gate Massacre, not to incite hate but to help future generations learn that standing up for what is right sometimes comes with pains but it’ll pay eventually.

Our fallen heroes symbolizes what independence looks like in the 21st century.

We won’t stop, rather we’ll sustain this upward trajectory. Those who can’t measure up will be left behind, those who crave for a better Nigeria will strive to join.

Read also: Nigeria: A Country At War With Its Future

Comrades, we grieve today, but tomorrow we continue to fight. It took courage and blood to point us in this direction, leaving this path will be betrayal to our fallen heroes. Expunge the thoughts of regrets from your hearts and look forward to a better tomorrow.

Show up at every election. Vie for every position, vote only qualified candidates. Make your voice and your vote count!

Remember: “We have no leader. Everyone is a leader and everyone is a servant. We’ll lead by serving and we’ll serve by leading. This is the new Nigeria!”

Yours in Protest,


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