5thweb Digital

33 Useful Social Media Tips for the Holiday Season

Lady preparing festive decor

Social media is a big part of the holiday season. With so many consumers online, it’s an excellent opportunity to get your business in front of new customers… and of course, retain old ones. Whether you’ve already drafted a festive social media strategy or you’re planning to do so in the coming weeks, these tips … Read more

How to Deal With Upset Customers on Social Media

Unhappy man putting his hands and head on the wall

It’s no secret that social media has become the new front line for customer service. Consumers expect quick responses, which is why you should never give them anything less. At its best, social media is a personal touchpoint that can strengthen relationships and increase the chances of converting an unhappy customer into a lifelong advocate. … Read more

34 Amazing Tips to Increase Engagement With Your Audience

Black man pressing a smartphone

Effective engagement is a critical factor in how successful your business will be. It’s not just about the social media posts you share, but also what you do to create meaningful interactions with your audience. But how can you create this connection? The first step to improving engagement is figuring out what your audience wants. … Read more

Social Media Comments Section: How to Engage Effectively

Phone homepage showing social media platforms

When was the last time your brand checked up on frequent commenters? Do you know who your frequent commenters are? I’ll tell you why this is important shortly. Every social media manager can schedule posts online. However, only a few can gracefully combine wit and sarcasm to lockdown commenters’ interest and make them come back … Read more

4 Customer Engagement Strategy for Social Media Success

woman smiling with customer

Did you know that increasing your customer retention rates by just 5% can increase your profits between 25-95%? The interactions that happen online, especially on social media between you and your target audience is essential to the success and growth of your business. Customer engagement is a cost-effective strategy of staying in touch with your … Read more