5thweb Digital

Microsoft’s Collaboration With Nigeria: 10 Things You Need to Know

Microsoft collaborates with the Nigerian government to improve digital transformation

Microsoft has partnered with Nigeria to accelerate the nation’s efforts in becoming a more digital economy. “Together, we have an enormous opportunity to put technology to work, create jobs, to foster the technology ecosystem across Nigeria, and to use technology to preserve the best of the past and take us into the future” says Brad … Read more

3 Categories of Nigerians You Probably Don’t Know About

Lagos Yellow Danfo Buses

You go to America and you find the Americans being Americans – liberal and pragmatic. They’re known for their freedom of expression and their love for structured systems. William Herberg defined the American way of life as: “individualistic, dynamic and pragmatic… an ethic of self-reliance, merit and character, and judges by achievement”. Similarly, when you … Read more