5thweb Digital

7 Of The Persuasive Words In Marketing Every Copywriter Should Use

Dark skin female working on her laptop

My guess is you clicked on this post because one or two words stood out to you. In copywriting, one word can be the difference between a persuasive copy and an ordinary request. Power words are utilised in copywriting to create a sense of personalization, urgency and specificity. According to a research carried out by … Read more

How To Boost Sales Using Non-Promotional Content

Hand holding pen jotting something down

The marketing world is becoming noisier, with every brand trying out new methods of customer acquisition and retention. From radio jingles, TV ads to social media ads. Everywhere you turn to marketers are actively trying to win your attention. Overtime, this has led customers to build walls in order to shield themselves from “salesy” brands … Read more

Four Marketing Lessons from the Big Brother Nigeria

Four marketing lessons from the big brother Nigeria show

The fallout from the coronavirus pandemic brought lots of uncertainty, the media industry itself – from content creators to distributors – was severely impacted, while the demand for quality content skyrocketed during this period. There has been a widespread cancellation of events following the lockdown and restriction of movement, with so much uncertainty on whether … Read more

Eliminating the Gate Agent Problem: Tactics to Win Clients’ Trust

5thweb Digital- Eliminating the Gate Agent Problem: Tactics to Win Clients Trust

During my internship with the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria, I was opportune to work in an exclusive section called the Apron Control. On one of my night shifts, the Vice President of Nigeria flew in and activities on the airfield were grounded, no flight was allowed to take-off in what the Air Traffic Control … Read more