5thweb Digital

Creating Valuable Content: The 5 E’s of Quality Content

Hand of a lady in a writing position

With content, there’s a lot of focus on the creation rather than the outcome. Most marketers are only looking at a small piece of the puzzle — how to create engaging content.  In reality, creating valuable content is about meeting not only your users’ needs, but also the business goals. And this is where most … Read more

3 Important Reasons Why You Need a Content Strategy Before Hiring a Writer

Idea bulb on paper - Why you need a content strategy before hiring a content writer

Hiring a content writer without a content strategy is like shopping for clothes without knowing your size. Sure, you can fill your closet with pieces here and there, but you won’t know what you’re missing out on, and you won’t be able to maximize the investment. While content is the foundation of every online business, … Read more

27 Simple Ways To Create Content Faster

Woman holding pen to write

What if you could craft a brilliant piece of content in under an hour? Are you picturing it now? A masterpiece that can land you on the front page of Google, capture user’s attention and direct them to your site. And, of course, adding to your bottom line. Below are some helpful hints on tips … Read more