5thweb Digital

43 Unique Interview Questions for Content Marketers and Recruiters

Recruiter shaking hands with interviewee

On the surface, the content marketing interview questions sound like dull, formulaic queries: “What makes you a good fit for this position?” “Why should we hire you instead of someone else?” “How do you measure content performance?” But those questions are too easy. You need something mentally stimulating and engaging for both you and your … Read more

Creating Valuable Content: The 5 E’s of Quality Content

Hand of a lady in a writing position

With content, there’s a lot of focus on the creation rather than the outcome. Most marketers are only looking at a small piece of the puzzle — how to create engaging content.  In reality, creating valuable content is about meeting not only your users’ needs, but also the business goals. And this is where most … Read more

15 Simple Ways You Can Improve Your Business in August

Image of clock

With a new month comes new opportunities to win back customers, gain new ones, make more revenue and grow your business. By reviewing and updating the following 15 items, you’ll be on track to achieve success in your business for the rest of the month. Review performance from the previous month While it’s important to … Read more

What Makes a Great Content? The Power of Context

Three figures joining to make a connection

Context isn’t just the time and place where you’re interacting with your audience. It’s everything from what they’re doing when they see your content to how they feel at that moment in their lives. The internet provides endless opportunities for brands to interact with their audience, but not all of them will reap success if … Read more

Stop Creating Content: 5 Things You Should Do Instead

Lady holding out her hand in stop sign

Now, I know what you’re thinking: If I stop creating content, how will people find my site and my brand? Content creation is a well-known strategy for people who want to grow their audience and get found on the internet. It’s the most logical step if — like most marketers or business owners — you … Read more

Content Planning 101: How to Get the Most Out of Your Content

Coffee cup on a calendar

Have you ever wondered where to start when you sit down to plan your next content? Or maybe you have so many ideas, and you’re not sure which direction your ideation process is leaning towards. Content planning is an important part of any content strategy. Whether you’re a small business or a global corporation, you … Read more

3 Important Reasons Why You Need a Content Strategy Before Hiring a Writer

Idea bulb on paper - Why you need a content strategy before hiring a content writer

Hiring a content writer without a content strategy is like shopping for clothes without knowing your size. Sure, you can fill your closet with pieces here and there, but you won’t know what you’re missing out on, and you won’t be able to maximize the investment. While content is the foundation of every online business, … Read more

Steal These 42 Amazing Content Ideas for Social Media

Idea bulb on yellow paper

Content ideas for social media can be anything from advice for new entrepreneurs to beautiful photographs from your latest project. The thing is to put together a complete strategy that will take you from idea generation to execution. The best strategies include creating engaging content that aligns with your business goals. You know a lot … Read more

27 Simple Ways To Create Content Faster

Woman holding pen to write

What if you could craft a brilliant piece of content in under an hour? Are you picturing it now? A masterpiece that can land you on the front page of Google, capture user’s attention and direct them to your site. And, of course, adding to your bottom line. Below are some helpful hints on tips … Read more

How To Develop An Effective Content Strategy In 6 Easy Steps

Chess board with silver horse moving

Content strategy is the marketing tactics that connects your audience, business objectives and content marketing with the aim of offering relevant content that drives business goals. Creating an effective content marketing strategy is like using one hand to wash the other – the aim is to provide quality service whilst also meeting your business goals. … Read more