5thweb Digital

Practical Steps To Take When You’re Shown the Door

Frustrated unhappy young man holding his head with his hands

About mid-day last week Monday, club legend Frank Lampard was sent packing after just 18 months as manager at Chelsea Football Club. A decision that didn’t go down well with some facet of supporters who thought that Super Frank should have been given more time to prove his worth. On the one hand, as a … Read more

Side Learning: A New Approach To Skills Acquisition

black man doing sport playing basketball

“How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case” – Robert G. Allen Earning extra income on the side is no longer optional, it’s necessary. Side hustling has become a generally acceptable way of raking in more money. But the question is this: is your … Read more

6 Practical Career Development Tips to Improve Yourself in 2021

Male feet with boots on asphalt with white line number:2021

Have you experienced the New Year Bounce yet in your career growth and professional development this year? To start your 2021 career journey with the mindset and mentality of a winner, you need to be deliberate about your career growth. The new year provides a clean slate to work with. Putting your best feet forward … Read more