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If Social Networks Were Students, What Would They Be Like?

“Social media is changing the way we communicate and the way we are perceived” – Amy Jo Martin

In my usual nature of comparison and trying to find patterns between two things. Today I’m asking: If social media were students, who would they be like?

Remember back then when you were still a student and the things you did? I’m quite sure you’ll find one or two social networks that’s almost a reflection of whom you were back then.

Note that this comparison is just for fun, and not a representation of its user-base.

Let’s dig in!


She’s the prettiest and most controversial student in class with countless admirers.

She’s also known to have constant mood swings and an annoying character no one seems to understand.

She’s also friends with a lot of students.


The hyperactive kid making waves in school.

He’s been known to be the loudest student in class who likes standing on the desk.

He’s as dynamic as they come.


The most influential student in class. He’s the mouthpiece of the student and the go-to source for undiluted news.

Ironically, he doesn’t like talking too much, but he manages to influence conversations in class.

Current Students’ Council President.

Read also: If Nigerian musicians were football stars


The most popular student in school with rich parents

His parents are known for buying off all the cool toys from the store to ensure their children remain everyone’s favourite buddy.

One time Students’ Council President.


Privacy matters to her! Unlike her siblings Instagram and Facebook.

She’s the student every student tells their secrets to because every secret is safe with her.

She has a rich Dad though but chose to lead a rather quiet lifestyle.


Unarguably the smartest student in the class who has a great professional network.

Though a nerd, he’s actually nice and interesting when you get to know him.

Need a job? He’s your guy.


Crafty, resourceful and the most creative student.

The planning and organizing genius. All you need to do is tell him what you need for a project and he’ll supply you the materials for easy execution.

He also organizes a lot of Do It Yourself sessions after school.

Read also: If the Big Brother Nigeria housemates were a social network


Definitely one of the oldest students in class.

He was one time the cynosure of all eyes in school. He wasn’t really a bright student, his fellow classmates Facebook has left him behind.


The second prettiest girl in class. Always competing with Instagram for attention

It was learned that Instagram’s Dad bought a like copy of her favourite toy which resulted in her losing a lot of friends.

Rumour also has it that she uses cheap make-ups to attract the hottest students in class.


Easily the richest student in the school undergoing the International Exchange Programme.

He’s a bit reserved, only associates with students from his country of birth.


The student who’s involved in every kind of business.

Similar to Whatsapp with his level of privacy, but entertains a wider group of students.

You can call him the jack of all trades.

Did I miss anything?

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