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How To Boost Sales Using Non-Promotional Content

The marketing world is becoming noisier, with every brand trying out new methods of customer acquisition and retention.

From radio jingles, TV ads to social media ads. Everywhere you turn to marketers are actively trying to win your attention. Overtime, this has led customers to build walls in order to shield themselves from “salesy” brands and content both online and offline.

The hard fact is this, customers don’t want to be sold to, their major challenge is whether or not you can help them solve their problems.

In order to break this barrier, you need to position your brand as being human and helpful. That’s where the idea behind creating non-promotional content comes into play.

According to Forbes, non-promotional content is a neutral, no-sell strategy in which helpful, useful information is the star of your marketing content rather than your product or service itself.

Educational content seeks to help your audience learn more about the benefits derived from the use of your product or services.

Below are some of the ways in which non-promotional content can help you drive sales.

Increase Brand Awareness, Builds Trust and Market Credibility

Branding awareness and strategy
Source: Mailmunch

Non-promotional content has the tendency of going viral because it’s usually helpful and educational and not restricted to your product or services alone. Your brand can quickly evolve into a thought leader and a go-to source within your industry.

The more efficiently that you can demonstrate your thought leadership in your industry, the more trust you’ll naturally build between your brand and potential clients. This enables your audience to associate your product with the content that they love to consume.

Nurture Your Prospects Through Their Buying Journey

Buyers Journey diagram from Hubspot
Source: Hubspot

Creating educational content that helps your prospects navigate through their buying journey is similar to concierge onboarding.

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The core purpose of concierge onboarding is to ensure that customers are properly equipped with the knowledge and resources they need to derive maximum value from your product.

By creating a mix of non-promotional content that sufficiently caters for each stage of the buying journey, you would have provided prospective customers with helpful information that can inform their buying decision.

The buyer’s journey is a problem on its own, and any brand that helps prospective customers ease this pain point would have won themselves a loyal customer.

Creates a Proper Lead Qualification and Shorter Sales Cycle

Sales funnel process
Source: tcmcnet.com

According to MyCustomer, lead qualification is the process of categorizing a qualified sales or marketing lead as a customer who has been contacted and has engaged with your sales and marketing team, and so is further along the sales process than other leads.

Non-promotional content can help you educate leads, convert them into prospects and eventual paying customers Share on X.

By coming up with a mix of non-promotional content, you’ll be providing prospective customers with the information they need to make informed purchase decisions, thereby shortening the time it’ll take for them to convert into paying customers.

Overall, your customer journey should complement your sales funnel and vice versa. With this knowledge, you should be able to identify content gaps that you can plug with valuable content.

In conclusion, driving sales through the use of non-promotional content can be seen as a long-term game plan, especially in today’s market where every marketer has a short-term sales target to meet.

However, non-promotional content should have a place in your content marketing strategy because they help grow and educate your audience.