5thweb Digital

How to Add Value to An Already Existing Content

Why are we creating new content to already existing ideas or concepts?

The reality is this, someone else might have written a quality piece on this particular subject matter, but it won’t deter me.  

You know why? Because of these three reasons I want to expose you to right now. Before writing a new content, I usually ask myself:

  • What new idea am I introducing? (perspective)
  • Can I give more examples?
  •  Will it add value?

If you’re thinking about creating content that is similar to what other people have done in the past, then you should consider doing the following:

1.      Provide more examples

“At least 60% of your content should focus on giving examples and simplifying concepts” – James Clear.

Okay, you got me there, James Clear didn’t say this, but you get the point right?

The number one rule in the book of content creation is value-addition. To provide value to your audience, they need to understand what you’ve written, and then extract the juicy value therein.

Examples help your readers to understand your content better. Examples are like the water you drink while eating – it helps for easy digestion of information.

Additionally, have it in the back of your mind that local ideas deserve local examples. If you’re creating new content for a local audience, you need to use local examples. Something they can easily understand.

2.      Explore other perspectives

It’s almost impossible for two writers to come up with the same exact content even when they’re writing on the same topic.

You know why? I bet you do, but I’ll go ahead and say it anyways – difference in background and experience.

These are two key differentiating factors, not just for writers alone but also for every other thing that pertains to human understanding.

Take advantage of the experience you’ve gathered and the environment you find yourself. Marry this idea or content other people have written on to your current environment, then explore it to discover new ideas.

Introducing an old concept in a new environment almost always leads to a new concept altogether.

This is similar to the Interdisciplinary Approach where the ideas required to solve certain problems may require skills and knowledge from more than one subject.

Exploring other angles and ideas will help your audience – who are from different walks of life – to better understand and appreciate your content.

Read also: How to improve brand perception using social media

3.      Change your headline

If you’ve been able to inject new examples and different perspectives to your content, it will definitely transform the quality of your work and impact its title.

The content of your write up influences its headline, and this is what creates the notion of “newness” for your audience.

Your headlines are the door to your content. It was what attracted you and other readers to this piece, and also what differentiates this piece from others that have been previously written.


If you’re not going to provide new examples and a different perspective to aid understanding, then why are you creating a new content?

“Content is anything that adds value to the reader’s life” – Avinash Kaushik

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