5thweb Digital

Gmail Promotions Tab: A Goldmine For Marketers

According to Marketing Charts, Gmail promotions tab gets a 19.2 percent read rate, but this number doesn’t reflect accurately on the huge resource this folder contains.

While email marketers might look at the read rate for emails in the Gmail promotions folder in isolation, this number performs relatively well when compared to open rates from other Gmail tabs.

Gmail inbox tabs open rates
Image source:

The Gmail inbox tab has a read rate of 22 percent which is slightly above the promotions tab.

But why is the Gmail promotions tab treated like just another spam folder and slightly less valued than the primary inbox when it contains as much valued information as the primary tab?

With every email marketing expert advocating for and offering strategies on how to move messages from Gmail promotions to primary, you’d wonder if this tab is a semi-spam folder in disguise.

Below, I’ll be sharing with you two key reasons why the promotions tab is a great resource for marketer and creatives in general:

  • Quality newsletter resource

Is there anyone online who hasn’t read or received any form of email newsletters? It’d be difficult to find any.

For every newsletter that captures your attention, there was something the sender did right. This could be the content or the template used.

Understudying the general composition of every newsletter (content, header, CTA, hierarchy, links, buttons, social shares etc.) is key to replicating similar designs or newsletter sample you can rely on during marketing campaigns or whenever the need arises.

You don’t necessarily need to go online in search of professional newsletter designs when you have an almost inexhaustible number of newsletter templates in your promotions tab.

Most times, what you get online are theoretical knowledge or newsletter samples drafted for training purposes, not exact copies that are sent to clients inboxes.

The copies you find in your promotions folder contains real examples of creative newsletter designs, and that’s what you should refer to for practice.

A lot of people skip this because they don’t prioritise emails in that folder, and they seldom read even when it’s sent to them.

Read also: 7 ways to optimize marketing emails that leads to conversation

  • Contains timely offers

54 percent of shoppers will purchase products left in shopping carts if those products are offered at a lower price than its original.

And guess where most of these abandon cart emails go to – your promotions tab.

The Gmail promotions folder is a hub for great marketing deals, juicy offers and amazing product discounts.

You’ll be missing out on these offers if you don’t attach some form of relevance to the promotions tabs as you do to the primary inbox.

Most online shoppers don’t spend their money on the first visit, the nudge comes in the form of retargeting with improved offers to convert these visitors.

How often do you scan your Gmail promotions tab for offers and discounts?


You’ll be doing yourself a disservice if you treat your promotions tab as a semi-spam folder rather than as a resource that it is.

The Gmail promotions tab is important, and it’s up to you to take advantage of it.

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