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Effective Sales Strategy of the Igbo Traders: How to Replicate Strategies Online

The Igbo Trade Apprenticeship System has been recognised as a sustainable and successful business model in Nigeria which has also helped in reducing the rate of poverty in Igboland by producing wealthy Igbo entrepreneurs and businessmen.

However, this trade system is only part of a combination of successful sales strategy employed by Igbo entrepreneurs in their day-to-day business operations.

These sales techniques have been successfully implemented in several international and local markets across Nigeria that it has become a regular business practice used by other entrepreneurs across the country.

Below, I’ve highlighted some of the effective sales strategies employed by local Igbo traders in their business operations and a corresponding replica of these strategies that could be applied online for sales success:

1.      Igbo traders know the importance of seeking support from fellow traders to persuade buyers into making purchases

One attribute common amongst Igbo entrepreneurs is their ability to draw support and persuasion power from fellow traders.

Word of mouth marketing is still one of the most persuasive forms of business adverts, and the local Igbo traders know how to utilize this tool to help out fellow traders whenever a customer visits their store.

They’ll add their voice in union with the store owner to convince the buyer to make a purchase. This collective persuasion power from fellow traders leads to sales 5 out of 10 times.

How to replicate it online:

Take customer reviews and testimonials seriously

You need to invest in customer reviews, testimonials or influencer marketing. This way, you can rely on the positive feedback and reviews from customers or influencers to boost the image of your brand.

When customers need information to make buying decisions, they end up turning to the internet to read reviews.  This is one of the important factors every business needs to thrive in today’s marketing landscape.

2.      The Igbo traders understand the concept of customer relationship

The Igbo trader understands the essence of customer relationship. That’s why he’ll go out of his way to support his loyal customers with items on credit, and even attend their personal social functions.

Selling products on credit to the highest paying customer may not be restricted to the Igbo traders alone, however, it’s a sales strategy they’ve internalised and made a part of their trade system.

How to replicate it online:

Consider loyalty reward programs for customers

Reward loyal customers by offering them juicy discount offers. Send gift packages to your highest paying customers during their birthdays or any other important day of celebration.

Engage in corporate social responsibilities. Give back to the community as a way of appreciation.

Similarly, you can also show support during important societal movements such as the Black Lives Matter and the EndSARS protest.

It’s not always about money. Lending your voice, showing support and standing with the people in solidarity goes a long way to establish your brand as one that cares.

3.      Igbo traders have perfected the use of comic relief as sales strategy

Most Igbo traders are unofficial comedians. They can go the extra length of composing songs for the delight of their would-be-buyers.

Those who don’t know how to sing will crack you up with jokes until you buy from them. They also go as far as offering you refreshments and seats if you’re taking long to decide.

Once he offers you a seat and refreshment, you’ll feel obliged to buy something before leaving his shop. By offering you refreshments, they’re trying to ease communication and build a rapport with you.

Similarly, when they don’t have the product you requested for, they themselves will help you purchase it from another store, saving you from market related stress.

They understand the fact that customer satisfaction is the secret behind repeat purchase.

How to replicate it online:

Educate your target audience

Every business goal is to sell their products and make profits.

However, you need to go one step above that level. Customer education is the only way you can provide a refreshing experience for your target audience even when they’re not actively buying.

Invest in article marketing, share relevant and beneficial information that can ease your customer’s pain point. Blogging and social media posts are some of the ways you can make that happen.

“Selling is important, but the best way to maximize your sales success is to lead with education” – Kimberly Zhang

Read also: 7 of the persuasive words in marketing every copywriter should use

4.      The Igbo traders are adept at using the strategy of quick turnovers

Turnover is an accounting concept that calculates how quickly a business conducts its operation.

The concept of quick turnovers has been a mainstay of the Igbo entrepreneurship culture. They believe that by reducing the price of a product, they’ll be able to sell larger quantities of an item.

Although this strategy will earn them lesser profits per product but cumulatively, they’ll more than make up for it by selling more items.

There’s no point imposing a high price for goods which will in turn tie down their profits and capital, hence their application of quick turnovers.

How to replicate it online:

Use the tripwire marketing strategy

Tripwire marketing is the practice of offering a relatively low-priced product specifically designed to convert leads into customers.

Tripwire offer helps accelerate the buyer’s journey by luring in customers with low-cost products. Share on X

Starting with a low-cost offer or product will improve your chances of turning more leads into customers. Tripwire marketing incentivizes conversion by improving customer’s willingness to pay (WTP).

5.      The Igbo traders believe in grooming family members for business

The Igbo entrepreneurship model is a trade system that has attracted widespread recognition around the world.

It is an extension of their entrepreneurial spirit where an induction strategy is utilised to induct mostly young Igbos into entrepreneurial ventures.

This system is informal and has unstructured training programs to learn and master skills required to embark on own enterprise under the tutelage of a master or mentor.

This process involves several years of learning and mastering the trade, at the end of the apprenticeship they’re compensated with a take-off fund which they can use for shop rent, goods, equipment and or accommodation as the case maybe.

“I can say with almost certainty that the Igbo apprenticeship system that governs Alaba International Market is the largest business incubator platform in the world” – Robert Neuwirth, TEDGlobal, 2017.

By bringing in their family members into the business, they effectively create an artificial monopoly whereby ideas and secrets for business expansion revolves around their family.

They believe in this mantra: Igwebuike which literally means “there is strength in unity”

How to replicate it online:

Create an environment for collaboration

“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each team member is the team” – Phil Jackson

You need to encourage and foster a sense of teamwork. Recognise the diversity and uniqueness of each team member.

Create a common goal and respect each individual’s method of approach as long as it’s in line with the business objective.

6.      Igbo traders are masters of product comparison and sampling

The Igbo trade system is based on a “try and see” method. They believe that for customers to know the true value of the product they’re about to purchase, they need to test and see.

The local Igbo traders give customers a try of the product they’re about to purchase on the spot. This sales technique is so effective that it eliminates the notion of risk on the part of the buyer.

For instance, if you’re buying footwear from them, they’ll allow you to try out as many footwear as you please until you make a choice.

To further convert a customer, they’ll go the extra length of comparing two similar products, showing you why one is of superior quality than the other.

How to replicate it online:

Review your product return policy

According to UPS, 68% of shoppers check a website’s return and exchange policy before making a purchase.

Return policies are offered by retailers to help reduce customer risk and act as an incentive for product purchase.

A lenient return policy can increase the number of items purchased, eliminate risk, reduce buyer remorse and lead to increased conversion rate. It is one of the factors that contributes to repeat purchases.

Evaluate your return policy to make sure it favours you and your customers.

Read also: Eliminating the Gate Agent Problem: tactics to win client’s trust

7.      Igbo traders are usually good conversationalists

Igbo traders engage their customers in serious business conversations.

They analyse, breakdown and explain the position of the economy and its impact on the market and items you’re about purchasing.

They’ll tell you where the item was manufactured, how it’s different from other similar products and why you should purchase it.

The resultant impact of these conversations are customers who understand and appreciate the exposure and are willing to reasonably negotiate the price of the products.

How to replicate it online:

Put back the “social” in social media

Social media serves as a connecting point between brands and their target audience.

Humanize your conversation, encourage your target audience to create more user generated content (UGC) and incorporate these content in your social media posts.

Customers want to be “seen and heard” that is the essence of social media. Connect with customers in the most human and helpful way.

More than three quarters of consumers (76%) say they would buy from a brand they feel connected to over a competitor, and 57% say they are more likely to increase how much they spend with a brand when they feel connected.


Although it would be almost impossible to find a direct replica of these strategies online.

However, there are certain concepts and best practices that can mirror some of these strategies.

Making sales consistently requires a combination of methods. As marketers, your duty is to find the strategy that works best for your business, then stick to it.

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