5thweb Digital

How to Manage Email Backlogs and Gain Control Over Your Inbox

Man working with his laptop

What Is Inbox Management? If you’re like most business owners, entrepreneurs or marketers, chances are that you’re probably receiving more emails than you can handle. The overwhelming nature of these messages can sometimes lead to email backlogs because of the time it takes to process them. Email management is about sorting, prioritizing and organizing your … Read more

Stop Creating Content: 5 Things You Should Do Instead

Lady holding out her hand in stop sign

Now, I know what you’re thinking: If I stop creating content, how will people find my site and my brand? Content creation is a well-known strategy for people who want to grow their audience and get found on the internet. It’s the most logical step if — like most marketers or business owners — you … Read more

Gmail Promotions Tab: A Goldmine For Marketers

Lady opening her email folders

According to Marketing Charts, Gmail promotions tab gets a 19.2 percent read rate, but this number doesn’t reflect accurately on the huge resource this folder contains. While email marketers might look at the read rate for emails in the Gmail promotions folder in isolation, this number performs relatively well when compared to open rates from … Read more

7 Ways to Optimize Marketing Emails that Leads to Conversion

7 ways to optimize marketing emails that leads to conversion

According to 99firms, the total number of worldwide email accounts was 3.9billion and is projected to hit the 4billion mark in 2020 with over 293billion emails sent each day throughout the world. To put this into perspective, there are 3x more email accounts than there are facebook and twitter accounts combined. These numbers are overwhelming … Read more