5thweb Digital

The Best Places to Launch a Startup in 2021: Guide to Tech Hubs in Lagos

Male and female tech enthusiast operating a desktop

What is a tech hub? Tech hubs, also known as innovation hubs or co-working spaces, are technology-based startup communities that are vital in the building of an ecosystem for entrepreneurs to thrive in. The main idea behind tech hubs is to create an inspiring, collaborative and productive environment which: stimulate the growth of healthy relationships … Read more

8 Tips to Land Your Dream Home on a Budget Using Social Media

Black man holding a small house on his hand

You’re probably looking for affordable property for your housing needs. Or perhaps you’re looking to venture into real estate. But with the escalation of property prices all over the world, buying your dream property is looking impossible.   Well, thanks to social media, you just might be the next lucky property owner. In fact, with the … Read more

6 Easy Tips to Keep Your Business Running Smoothly in September

Beautifully designed Hello September image

September is a time for new beginnings. It’s the beginning of a new school year, the start of fall and often, the start of the holiday shopping season. But as we get into the swing of things, it’s also a great time to think about some things you can do to stay ahead of the … Read more

43 Unique Interview Questions for Content Marketers and Recruiters

Recruiter shaking hands with interviewee

On the surface, the content marketing interview questions sound like dull, formulaic queries: “What makes you a good fit for this position?” “Why should we hire you instead of someone else?” “How do you measure content performance?” But those questions are too easy. You need something mentally stimulating and engaging for both you and your … Read more

How to Deal With Upset Customers on Social Media

Unhappy man putting his hands and head on the wall

It’s no secret that social media has become the new front line for customer service. Consumers expect quick responses, which is why you should never give them anything less. At its best, social media is a personal touchpoint that can strengthen relationships and increase the chances of converting an unhappy customer into a lifelong advocate. … Read more

Creating Valuable Content: The 5 E’s of Quality Content

Hand of a lady in a writing position

With content, there’s a lot of focus on the creation rather than the outcome. Most marketers are only looking at a small piece of the puzzle — how to create engaging content.  In reality, creating valuable content is about meeting not only your users’ needs, but also the business goals. And this is where most … Read more

The Act of Over-Explaining: Why You Do It and How to Stop

Why do people over-explain

Ever find yourself going into way more detail than the other person wants to know? The act of over-explaining is a common conversational habit. It can come up when you’re anxious about asserting yourself, or when you’re trying to be agreeable in situations where no one’s disagreeing with you. Fuller, more nuanced explanations, are usually … Read more

15 Simple Ways You Can Improve Your Business in August

Image of clock

With a new month comes new opportunities to win back customers, gain new ones, make more revenue and grow your business. By reviewing and updating the following 15 items, you’ll be on track to achieve success in your business for the rest of the month. Review performance from the previous month While it’s important to … Read more

What Makes a Great Content? The Power of Context

Three figures joining to make a connection

Context isn’t just the time and place where you’re interacting with your audience. It’s everything from what they’re doing when they see your content to how they feel at that moment in their lives. The internet provides endless opportunities for brands to interact with their audience, but not all of them will reap success if … Read more

Should Your Organization Develop a Culture of Appreciation? Here’s What You Need to Know

Black employee happy holding booklet

I recently watched a TED Talk by Simon Sinek called “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” (which, by the way, you should see). One of his points struck me: there is no correlation between how much money you pay a person and that person’s performance. Instead, he argued that the best way to increase your team’s … Read more