5thweb Digital

34 Amazing Tips to Increase Engagement With Your Audience

Effective engagement is a critical factor in how successful your business will be. It’s not just about the social media posts you share, but also what you do to create meaningful interactions with your audience.

But how can you create this connection? The first step to improving engagement is figuring out what your audience wants. With this feedback, you can serve them better with tailored content.

“The more you engage with customers, the clearer things become and the easier it is to determine what you should be doing.” — John Russell.

Why does your audience care about engagement?

  • They want you to understand their problems and offer relevant solutions.
  • They want you to talk to them about the things they find important and keep tabs on them about those issues.
  • They want you to propose ideas that could help them get things done.

You can achieve these things by maintaining a strong relationship with your audience.

Engaging effectively with your audience doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process that you can learn and develop.

Here are some simple ways you can interact more effectively with your audience. Read along:

  1. Be consistent
  2. Ask for feedback
  3. Plan your content
  4. Share your expertise
  5. Start conversations
  6. Speak in a human tone
  7. Don’t push too hard on selling
  8. Engage both in the comments and DM
  9. Promote user-generated content
  10. Listen and respond to comments 
  11. Talk with your audience, not at them
  12. Show the human side of your brand—share behind-the-scene images
  13. Show passion for what you do/offer
  14. Interact with posts made by your followers
  15. Include a face in your online communications
  16. Use live chats to address customers’ concerns in real-time
  17. Be authentic—your followers can see through the bullshit
  18. Content is king—provide quality content consistently
  19. Keep on top of social media trends, but don’t follow them blindly
  20. Plan fun contests while still being professional 
  21. Give people a reason to comment—a blend of controversy and insight
  22. Associate with personalities that align with your brand
  23. Identify influencers and harness their power
  24. Include calls to action at the end of each piece of content
  25. Engage with brand advocates
  26. Answer questions asked by your audience
  27. Ask questions to get your followers involved in the conversation
  28. Be genuinely interested in the conversation
  29. Check up on frequent commenters
  30. Make your company a resource, not just a brand
  31. Use interactive elements such as polls and quizzes to boost engagement
  32. See your audience as people first, not just customers
  33. Build communities around your brand or join an existing one
  34. Reward your loyal followers through contests, promotions, and giveaways

Wrapping Up

“Every contact we have with a customer influences whether or not they’ll come back. We have to be great every time, or we’ll lose them.” — Kevin Stirtz

Your audience wants to be engaged. It’s not enough for them to passively consume your content, they want more than that. They want a personal connection with you and what you do.

In order to create this relationship with your audience, you need to figure out what they want, then use this feedback to improve your communication.

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