5thweb Digital

Reset. Restart. Refocus – as Many Times as You Need To

Every Monday, my Google Analytics dashboard refreshes. Every data from the previous week will be archived and I’ll be left with a blank dashboard.

Although, traffic from the previous week sometimes spills over to the following week – the thought of starting over scares me nonetheless.

Starting over scares almost everyone – from those in relationship to employees and business owners. The reason is because starting over represents a rebuilding process.

Why do some employees hate their jobs, boss or work environment in general, but yet still clock in every week?

It tells you a lot – people would rather endure than start afresh.

But it’s okay to start again – as many times as you need to!

You don’t need to put up with an unhealthy relationship or a depressing work environment all the time.

Starting over is difficult, but you’re never really starting from scratch, you’re starting over from a position of experience. That alone counts for something.

For those who are Christians, you may be familiar with the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15: 11-32).

Having squandered his inheritance and then realized his actions, the prodigal son went back to his starting point – his father.

Couldn’t he have gone somewhere else to start over? He could, however, it wouldn’t be as significant as going back to his origin.

Starting over requires you to go back to your drawing board. To make iterations, to make that difficult decision.

And the truth is, you can restart from anywhere, at any time and as many times as you need to.

Having said that, knowing the kind of environment you find yourself can help with your decision making.

For example, if you’re in an environment that doesn’t allow room for growth, cutting ties might be the only form of starting over.

There’s a difference between a challenging and a suffocating environment. The former encourages you to find solutions, and to work hard and smart.

On the other hand, a suffocating environment saps your energy. It makes you feel worthless, most of the time.

Both scenarios require different reactions.

What can you do?

Take a step back from the distractions. Clear your mind. Decide on what it is you want to do, this could be to:

  • Change your job
  • Change your attitude towards work
  • Take a break/leave
  • Spend more time with your family and friends

Read also: 3 words of affirmation for the new week

Similarly, reaffirmations can also be a form of starting over. Replace negative words with positive affirmations. This could be your own way of starting afresh.

Any action that can point you towards the right direction, that’s your point of starting over.

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