5thweb Digital

8 Ways Marketing Is Like Dating

Though the way people meet has changed over the years – thanks to technology – but the dating process has not.

Marketing and dating have a lot in common. Think of content marketing as the wooing stage where you have to refine your words so that they attract your audience.

Shooting your shot is equivalent to creating a strong call-to-action, because not only do you want to make your intentions known, you also want to get a reasonable response.

The same way you groom your hair and nails in order to make a positive first impression, your website, email newsletters and customer service represents your first impressions in marketing.

Below are eight relationships between marketing and dating, and how to take full advantage:

1.      Friend zone doesn’t last forever

Content marketing is like flirting. It’s necessary if you’re going to have a shot at dating (making sales).

You won’t forever remain in the friend zone, you should ask for a date at some point.

Run ads and promotional offers. Do giveaways. That’s how you attract your ideal dates.

Although you might get some few rejections here and there, if you’re persistent enough, your date will surely come.

2.      You have a “type”

In the world of dating (marketing) everyone has a type (target audience).

How would you discover your type? Ask yourself:

  • What type of people are you most drawn to?
  • Where do they hang out? (channels)
  • What types of jokes do they respond to? (content)
  • What do they need/ desire?
  • Do you have what it takes to keep them engaged?

Compiling this data (buyer persona) will help you know your type before going to the next stage.

Read also: how to develop an effective content strategy

3.      Shoot your shot

Once you’ve discovered your type (target audience), don’t beat around the bush – go straight to the point.

When you shoot your shot, make sure there’s a call to action. What are your intentions?

  • Do you plan to engage them for some time before asking them out? (lead nurturing).
  • If you think you’ve flirted enough with them, do you think they’d be ready to accept your offer? (products).

Remember, you’re not their only suitors, make your move quickly.

4.      First impressions matter

Make your first encounter memorable.

Most times, this might be through text (newsletters) when they get your contact through your dating ads online.

Perform well. Sweep them off their feet. That’s the only way to ensure that they don’t delete your number (unsubscribe).

Similarly, don’t be scared of sexchat (give them juicy offers). You’re both matured and you know what you want.

Capture their interest first, follow up and make your intentions clear. Repeat step 3, if need be.

5.      You have to be authentic

They’ve probably received the same pickup lines (content) from other persons, why should they care about yours?

Tell your story (unique selling point). That’s how you build a strong connection with your date.

People admire authenticity. They can also see through scripted pitch, so you need to cut out the bullshit.

Recognise your differences, however, focus more on the shared values between you and your date (clients).

Showing exclusivity increases demand. Create a branded date experience. This will make them feel valued.

6.      It’s all about your date (clients)

Everything you’ve been doing – from when you were in the friend zone to the moment you started flirting with them – is to win their trust.

It is all about your date and what they want. The best tool in your arsenal at this point is to LISTEN.

Be sensitive. Look out for reactions and feedback to know if you’re hitting the right note.

You’ve worked hard to get here. Don’t lose them at this crucial stage.

7.      Don’t propose on the first date

Don’t ask them to marry you on the first date – it may never work out.

I know you’re in a hurry to stake a claim, but don’t ask them to “buy” from you in your first meeting.

Give them time to assimilate everything. Send them flowers (newsletters). Call them regularly. The secret is to engage them without being too desperate.

Selling is like having sex. Once you’ve sold, keep quiet Share on X Word of mouth marketing is very effective, let your date be the one to broadcast your excellent performance.

If they refer you to their friends, voila! That’s a jackpot!

8.      Stay friends if dating doesn’t work out

That it didn’t work out today doesn’t mean it wouldn’t work out tomorrow.

Don’t burn the bridge. Start the process again from scratch, and then change your approach if need be.

Key Takeaways

  • Content marketing is like being in the friend zone. To get out, run targeted ads.
  • Every business has a target audience. Your product isn’t for everyone.
  • Offer value from the get-go. Put your best foot forward.
  • The first email you send to prospects should be value-packed. Make it irresistible.
  • Tell your brand story. Sell benefits.
  • Create a good mix of promotional and non-promotional content for your audience
  • If a lead doesn’t convert. Push a little before discarding them.

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