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Four Marketing Lessons from the Big Brother Nigeria

The fallout from the coronavirus pandemic brought lots of uncertainty, the media industry itself – from content creators to distributors – was severely impacted, while the demand for quality content skyrocketed during this period.

There has been a widespread cancellation of events following the lockdown and restriction of movement, with so much uncertainty on whether the annual entertainment show Big Brother Nigeria would be aired.

To the amazement of fans and would-be housemates, Multichoice Nigeria, organizers of Big Brother Nigeria announced that the fifth season of the show will premiere on July 19, 2020, and the rest they say is history.

More than five weeks into the reality TV show, you’d agree that we’ve gotten nothing but premium content since the show began –  the unending dramas, battle of wits, intrigue, Friday night games, the famous Saturday night parties and the romance – which has kept fans glued to their TV’s and the social media followers buzzing with adulation.

However, while the show has lacked nothing on the entertainment front, it has continued to dish out educational content on several other aspects of life from business to relationship to character building.

Today, we shall be focusing our attention on the marketing lessons viewers and brands can learn from the Big Brother Nigeria show.


“You may have the most attractive brand but poor customer experience can ruin your business”

This was the lesson we learnt when Erica was evicted from the Big Brothers house. Physically, her beauty was no match for anyone in the house, and if we’re to go by past seasons on the show, the prettiest girls always give the toughest fights.

Branding is beyond good packaging, customer experience is fast emerging as a key differentiator and growth driver for a sustainable consumer market.

Customer experience is your customers’ holistic perception of their experience with your business. It is thus the result of every interaction a customer has with you from their first contact to conversion.

Needless to say, any negative experience customers have during the touch point can impact their experience and hurt your business.

In the case of Erica, she got her branding right but you can say that her customer experience got soured along the way.


“Clients might be attracted by quantity but only quality can satisfy their thirst”

When Dorathy was first introduced to the house, nearly everybody was commenting on her endowment. All through the first week, she was complimented mainly because of her physical appearance but the euphoria soon died down.

More than four weeks into the show and fans have almost forgotten about her physical appearance, their minds have shifted from “quantity to quality”.

Quantity can attract customers, but only quality can make them repeat buyers and eventual brand advocates.

Quality is often tied to product satisfaction. One reason why customers give repeat business is satisfaction with a product which includes its overall quality and superior design.

Product quality is also how well a product does what it’s supposed to do, and how well it holds up over time. Brands and marketers can’t afford to overlook product quality; Dorathy being a brand in the Big Brother Nigeria show has constantly reminded fans about her quality while keeping us glued with quantity.

Below are some of the importance of product quality:

  • Product quality builds trust
  • It fuels word of mouth and social media recommendation
  • It leads to less customer complaints
  • Product quality can lead to a higher return on investment


“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”

When Simon Sinek during his famous TED Talk presentation gave us this principle, it really resonated with every leader, business owners as well as individuals on a personal level.

People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. If you talk about what you believe, you will attract those who believe what you believe”. This has Laycon written all over it.

Right from the first day Laycon stepped his foot into the house, he has stuck with what he believed and represented it whenever he had the chance to. It was this belief that got Kiddwaya interested in Laycon’s music.

This story is all the more captivating because of the scenario in question, many have gotten into the Big Brothers House and within a week or less forgot their core belief, but that’s not Laycon and this in part is why his follower-base has continued to skyrocket.

In marketing, your WHY is your purpose, your cause, your belief. It is why you get out of bed in the morning. Follow your “why” and stick to it, in good times and in the not so good times.


“Reinvention can keep you long in the business game”

Trikytee is the master of reinvention! He’s like the chameleon of the forest and the T-Bag Bagwell of Prison Break, excluding the crimes of course.

Trikytee may not have had the biggest and most enthusiastic fan base, but if there’s anything that has continued to endear him to fans, it’s the way he changes his game every week to remain in the house. Whenever you think he’ll be evicted, he escapes.

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato said “necessity is the mother of invention” which meant when put in a difficult situation, one is likely to be inspired to create novel or ingenious solutions in order to survive.

Every organization, whether small or medium scale needs to re-strategize and re-do all their marketing plans to ensure their businesses can thrive. To stay relevant, you need to reinvent and re-strategize your business model, first from the marketing point of view stretching out towards other areas such as sales and customer service.

Trikytee took the viewers by surprise in the way that he has gone about his game. As said by Warren Buffet “only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked”

Economic crises highlight those companies which were more vulnerable to the tide going out and will likely be left high and dry.

Trikytee has done excellently well so far in re-inventing his game and if he were to be a business, he’d have survived the pandemic and even gone on to make profits while others fall like packs of cards.

Key Takeaways:

#1 – Customer service is the backbone of every business. To grow your brand, pay attention to customer experience

#2 – Customers might be attracted by the quantity of your products, but they’ll choose quality over quantity every single time.

#3 – Customers are attracted to brands with strong purpose. Your purpose is your WHY, stick to it!

#4 – Change with the tides. Stagnancy favours no one.


6 thoughts on “Four Marketing Lessons from the Big Brother Nigeria”

  1. This write up summons up everything you need for the growth of one’s business and how well to handle your clients in this pandemic.

    well-done writer..


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