5thweb Digital

9 Insightful Tips We Learned About Marketing This Week

From newsletter design tips to content distribution tactics, here are some of the most insightful marketing and content creation tips we learnt this week.

I hope you find them as interesting as we did.

Share your content

“No one lights a lamp and then hides it or puts it under a bowl; instead, it is put on the lampstand so that people may see the light as they come in” – Luke 11: 33

You’ve devoted your time and effort to create a nice piece of content, what’s stopping you from distributing this content?

While you’re waiting for SEO to work its magic, share these contents on your social networks and whatsapp status as many times as you can.

You’ve earned it!

Here are 100+ strategic content distribution tactics for 12 different channels by Ross Simmonds.

I hope it helps.

Practice makes perfect

“The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition” – John Wooden.

Every creative needs to find a mentor, or a community to help them sustain their learning process. You can’t do it all by yourself and that’s okay.

Expertise in a niche is built on consistency. Practice with the right materials and reach out to people when in need.

Be creative with newsletters

“I took my iPhone into the woods. And I put it in a tree. For some reason I had a gardening shovel in my hand (I don’t know why) 🤣

And I had Mr. Cody (my dog) with me…”

This isn’t a passage from a novel, it’s an excerpt from a newsletter by Sue B. Zimmerman. It’s creative, fun to read and educational.

Consider injecting memes or jokes to your newsletters and you may have prevented one more person from unsubscribing.

Switch from writer to editor

“Arrogance is thinking something is perfect after the first draft. Humility is knowing there is always room for improvement” – Simon Sinek.

Be true to yourself to finish the first draft and start the second. However, you need to switch from writer to editor before hitting publish.

Look for the clutter in your writing and prune it ruthlessly. Examine the essence of each sentence and rewrite when needed.

Curate to create

You can’t depend on inspiration anymore, except you don’t have a deadline, a client or a boss breathing down your neck.

The ability to come up with original and creative content is one of the biggest challenges for content creators.

Besides the regular tools used in generating ideas such as Buzzsumo, Google Trend, Quora, Answer The Public etc.

You can utilise the following to curate great content:

  • Bookmark on Twitter
  • Pin on Pinterest
  • Save posts on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
  • Star messages on Whatsapp groups.

“The longer you wait for your big idea, the further you are from it” – Tom Hirst

Social Proof

Customer review is one of the best marketing strategies to spread the word out about your business, and an effective tool to convert prospects into customers.

Businesses with no reviews or testimonials will be banking on the ability of their prospects to take a leap of faith.

You can also take advantage of social media to improve your brand perception and maximize your chances of making sales.

Your clients are on social media

This is one of the social media marketing myths that may be hurting your business.

As of 2019, 54% of Fortune 500 CEOs have at least some social presence. If this is the case, then you have no excuse not to use social media marketing strategically to your advantage.

Your customers are online. Target them with the right content.

Move emails from Gmail Promotions Tab

The Gmail promotions folder is a hub for great marketing deals, amazing product discounts and wonderfully created newsletters.

You have an inexhaustible number of newsletter templates in your promotions tab that you don’t need to go online in search of newsletter designs.

These are two key reasons why the Gmail promotions tab is a great resource for creatives and marketers alike.

Keyword stuffing isn’t SEO

Every brand’s dream is to occupy the number one spot on Google SERPs because of the traffic and exposure it guarantees.

But using the “black hat SEO” method won’t do you or your brand any good. SEO requires strategy. The keywords need to flow naturally.

According to Google: “focus on creating useful, information-rich content that uses keywords appropriately and in context.

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