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6 Practical Career Development Tips to Improve Yourself in 2021

Have you experienced the New Year Bounce yet in your career growth and professional development this year?

To start your 2021 career journey with the mindset and mentality of a winner, you need to be deliberate about your career growth.

The new year provides a clean slate to work with. Putting your best feet forward can help catapult you to the next phase of your professional career.

Here are our 6 career growth strategies to help you make an impactful 2021:

1.      Self-evaluation

Adult sheet information recrutiment candidate
Image source: Freepik

The first step towards a successful career growth starts with self-evaluation. This is the foundation and it sets the tone for every other career development opportunity.

Self-reflection helps you determine what you want to achieve. The end product of self-evaluation is often a well stated and clearly defined goal.

2.      Itemize your goals

Shot red darts arrows targeting business center
Image source: Freepik

A goal without a plan is a dream.

Once your goal is determined, the next step is to create actionable plans to execute these goals. Your career development strategy in 2021 should include writing your goals down in black and white.

The mental effort of jotting things down will keep these goals top of mind. You also have to set realistic timelines for your career goals, and streamline it to your values and career path.

Lastly, be sincere with yourself.

Read also: 5 strategies on how to make a successful career change

3.      Commit to learning

Serious concentrated dark skinned young man holding book
Image Source: Freepik

Learning is a cost-effective way to improve professional development. You need to learn as much as you can about your industry.

Knowledgeable employees are more efficient, engaged and add value to other team members.

Similarly, commit to reading books within or outside your core profession. This will help you build self-discipline and consistency.

In the long run, learning can become your passport to a career switch if and when you need to make that change.

Take up a new course. This is perhaps one of the best things you can do for yourself to improve your career growth opportunities.

4.      Find a mentor

Two young business men having successful meeting
Image source: Freepik

To quickly learn the ropes in whatever career path you’ve chosen for yourself, you need to find someone you can learn from.

This can be your friend, manager or boss as the case may be. Ask questions and show a complete determination to learn, unlearn and relearn.

Finding a mentor is critical because they have the experience and can give you helpful tips to improve your career growth opportunities.

Career development process takes time and is sometimes boring. But with an experienced hand leading you, you can half the time it’ll take to make headway in your industry.

Additionally, always ask for feedback. Feedbacks improve performance and boost confidence. You also need to be open-minded. Some of these feedbacks may not be too pleasant.

Read also: 7 important things we learned about marketing in 2020

5.      Build your network

Cheerful successful young colleagues using laptop computer
Image source: Freepik

The development of a network of professional contacts is facilitated by participation in professional communities, conferences, seminars, commercial projects, in which many are involved. – Emily Watts

Thanks to social networks, you can find and connect with people and industry leaders, and participate in projects that fuels your career growth plans without leaving the comfort of your house.

One-on-one conversation is still relevant. However, with the current state of the world, virtual events are your best bet.

Twitter and LinkedIn are examples of some of the platforms you can utilise for starters before taking the conversation offline. Share your thoughts, opinions and observations. This way, you can also attract people who share similar beliefs.

6.      Take a break

Smiling man with hands on his head sitting on the couch
Image source: Freepik

Trying to attain certain career goals can be overwhelming sometimes. The pressure is real and so is the frustration.

The journey towards actualising your career objective is a long-term investment. Don’t forget to take some time to cool off. Do other things that give you joy.

Embrace the small wins, celebrate success, and re-evaluate your goals.


Workplace success requires a deliberate and well-thought out career management plan. Take the driver’s seat in your career journey.

Your boss isn’t responsible for your career, you are. Be consistent with your approach to professional development. Make the most of what the new year brings your way by planning ahead.

“Patience persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success” – Napoleon Hill.

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