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43 Unique Interview Questions for Content Marketers and Recruiters

On the surface, the content marketing interview questions sound like dull, formulaic queries:

“What makes you a good fit for this position?”

“Why should we hire you instead of someone else?”

“How do you measure content performance?”

But those questions are too easy.

You need something mentally stimulating and engaging for both you and your candidate.

Below, we looked at 43 creative interview questions that’ll help you get insight into your candidate’s ability to think critically and tell a story.

Take a read:

  1. What is your favourite medium to write in and why?
  2. How do you decide what topics to write about?
  3. What is your favourite blog to read?
  4. What is your process for generating new ideas for content?
  5. When writing an article, who are you writing it for and what do you want them to get out of it?
  6. Can you walk me through your ideation process for a new piece of content?
  7. How do you determine the length of a piece of content?
  8. What’s the best blog post you’ve ever read?
  9. What is your favourite word?
  10. Describe how this career in content marketing aligns with your professional and personal goals.
  11. How important do you think storytelling is to content marketing?
  12. How does a blog help build a brand?

Recommended Reading: 27 Simple ways to create content faster

  1. What is your favourite movie?
  2. How do you stay creative as a content writer?
  3. What is the best content writing piece you’ve ever written?
  4. Let’s say we’re a client, and you come up with the concept for a piece of content. How do you work with us to make sure it’s effective?
  5. Do you prefer to write fiction or nonfiction?
  6. Tell me about a recent piece of content work that you’re proud of.
  7. What are your thoughts on guest posting? Do you think they’re relevant?
  8. Imagine being a member of your target audience. How would you convince me to care about your subject?
  9. Give me an example of when you successfully overcame a writing obstacle and why it was so hard.
  10. What steps do you follow to brainstorm and produce a successful content campaign?
  11. How do you know if your content is working? What metrics do you use to measure its success?
  12. How do you measure the ROI for each piece of content you create? How do you ensure that it’s profitable?

Recommended Reading: What makes great content? The power of context

  1. What’s your favourite blog, podcast, or YouTube channel and why?
  2. What type of content do you think will best appeal to our audience?
  3. If you had a full-time job on this campaign, what would be your measurement for success at the end of the campaign?
  4. What are some ways you’ve used content marketing to grow an audience you’ve worked with in the past?
  5. How do you stay up to date on the latest trends in content marketing? What resources or sites do you follow regularly?
  6. If you could only use one social media platform, which would it be and why?
  7. Why have you chosen a career in content creation and marketing?
  8. What is the best advertising campaign that gives you goosebumps, and why?
  9. What would an ideal content marketing plan be like for this company in the next 12 months?
  10. How do you handle negative comments about your content?
  11. Tell me about a time when you failed as a content marketer.
  12. What advice would you give to a new or up-and-coming content marketer?
  13. How do you balance client needs with creativity?
  14. What kinds of creative projects do you like to work on?
  15. What would you say are your content marketing strengths?

Recommended Reading: Creating valuable content: The 5 E’s of quality content

  1. If you were a brand, how would your content marketing efforts reflect that brand?
  2. When were you most effective as a content marketer?
  3. How do you deal with writer’s block?
  4. What’s more important: timeliness or accuracy of information?


Content marketing interviews can be tricky, but they don’t need to be.

You can go into the interview with these questions, and the resulting conversations can provide insights you wouldn’t have gained otherwise.

What are some inspiring interview questions you think recruiters should ask Content Marketers that they aren’t currently exploring?

Feel free to share with it us below. 😊

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