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15 Simple Ways You Can Improve Your Business in August

With a new month comes new opportunities to win back customers, gain new ones, make more revenue and grow your business.

By reviewing and updating the following 15 items, you’ll be on track to achieve success in your business for the rest of the month.

  1. Review performance from the previous month

While it’s important to have a long-term goal, it’s equally important to review your monthly performance.

Take the time to learn from what happened in July.

How well did you do in reaching your goals? Were they met?

  1. Define and share your goals for the new month

Establishing your company and team goals at the start of each month gives you something to work towards.

Make sure you’re setting goals that are realistic for your business, and also track progress along the way.

  1. Update your monthly marketing plan

Plan your marketing efforts for the month and document it so that you can stay on top of them and achieve your goals.

By planning how you’re going to market your business, you’ll give yourself a chance of achieving what you want in the weeks ahead.

  1. Review your content marketing strategy

Did you meet all of your content goals for the month?

If not, what can you do differently in the coming month?

What content is going to have the greatest impact on your organization or business?

  1. Create an editorial calendar

It’s incredibly important for every brand, from small businesses to enterprises, to create an editorial calendar, and make it a priority.

This will help you stay on track and ensure nothing slips through the cracks in the coming weeks

  1. Repurpose your previous content

As part of a wider content marketing strategy, it’s important to revisit content at the start of each month to ensure that it’s still relevant and useful to your audience.

Re-publishing this content will add value to your audience and will help to increase brand recognition.

Read also: What makes a great content? The power of content

  1. Update your blog posts

If you have updated none of your blog posts recently, then this is a great time to do that.

You can run a social campaign with a link back to a blog post that hasn’t been viewed in a while.

This will prompt people to click through and read the post.

  1. Work on your engagement strategy

As a brand that uses social media, this is the time to work on your engagement strategy.

How are you going to get more fans, more followers, more comments and likes?

Marketing doesn’t end in sales, you also need to work on your post-purchase engagement strategy to maintain, entertain and engage your clients.

  1. Conduct a content audit

Take inventory of the content you have on social media or your website and find out which pieces performed well for you.

Identify what works and what doesn’t. Which ones fell flat? And how can you improve on them?

  1. Test new social networks

Test new social networks and find out which ones are best suited for your brand.

No longer is Facebook the only social network for your brand to invest in.

Several social networks are gaining popularity and customers.

The old guard might not be relevant for new generations of consumers, so be sure to test other platforms.

  1. Prioritize your use of social media

Instead of posting content to every channel on social media, focus on one or two channels where you will see the most success and see what resonates with your audience

  1. Review your email list

The more you review your list, the better your email marketing campaign will perform.

Filter out inactive subscribers and only send valuable content to each segment. 

This approach will ensure that you’re only targeting interested subscribers.

  1. Write a monthly newsletter to your audience

Setting yourself up for success is crucial for any business.

Take this time to connect with your audience by sending a monthly newsletter.

How often should you send newsletters to your audience? Study shows that anything between twice a week and once a month is ideal.

  1. Get in touch with old customers

Customer retention is important because it increases customer lifetime value.

To do this, you can:

  • Track down old customer contact information.
  • Create an event that former customers will attend.
  • Reach out via newsletters.
  • Send a handwritten letter to thank them for their loyalty.

These opportunities can help you reconnect with your old customers. 

Read also: 8 cost-effective ways of reaching out to potential customers

  1. Appreciate your team

Developing a culture of appreciation is an effective way to improve your employees’ performance.

A simple “thank you” for a job well done, a sincere word of praise, and recognition when they go above and beyond the call of duty are all great ways to get this started.


August is here — which means it’s time to try new things and improve your business than it was last month.

Following these best practices will get you closer to achieving your goals and benchmarks this month and every month.

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